A Mega Corporate Konclave
Dr. Achyuta Samanta
Futuristic Trends in the next 25 years

About Mega Corporate Konclave:
Corporate Konclaves serve as an appropriate platform for sharing, co-creating and the exchange of knowledge and ideas between Academia and Industry. Each year, KIIT Deemed to be a University conducts different corporate conclaves in various fields like Human Resources (HR), Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain Management (SCM), Business Analytics (BA), and Construction Project Management (CPM), where invited corporate leaders from different industries participate and deliver keynote lectures, panel discussions and hands-on workshops. These events have proved to be a fountainhead of ideas with excellent participation from the industry, academia, and the students across the nation.
In the 75th year of independence of India, we are also celebrating; ‘Silver Jubilee’ year of KIIT DU. It is proposed to celebrate the same with corporate partners in the form of a ‘Mega Corporate Conclave’ titled, “KONFLUENCE”. The aim is to host 200+ Top corporate leaders to KIIT campus who have been directly or indirectly part of this remarkable journey leading to the establishment of the two most promising and world-class institutions – KIIT & KISS by Hon’ble Founder, Dr. Achyuta Samanta. The mega event will be organized jointly by the various schools as listed below:
- School of Management
- School of Rural Management & Agri-Business
- School of Computer Engineering
- School of Computer Application
- School of Electronics Engineering
- School of Electrical Engineering
- School of Civil Engineering
- School of Mechanical Engineering
- School of Chemical Technology
- School of Biotechnology
- School of Applied Sciences
- School of Architecture & Planning
- School of Social, Financial & Human Science
- School of Law
Founder KIIT & KISS

Prof. Achyuta Samanta is a Member of Parliament in India representing Kandhamal parliamentary constituency. 53% people from Kandhamal are tribal representing 29. different tribal communities. He is the founder of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS), the world’s largest educational institution for indigenous people. In its campus in the eastern Indian city of Bhubaneswar, KISS currently houses 30,000 indigenous students from under-privileged economic backgrounds who are empowered with holistic education from Kindergarten to Post-Graduation along with boarding facilities, clothing, healthcare, vocational and life skills – all free of cost. With 20,000 alumni and satellite centres in multiple parts of India, KISS has directly empowered 60,000 indigenous children and youth through education. Additionally, KISS also holds Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since 2015, in addition to association with BvLF, UNDPI, UN Women, UNSSC, UNFPA, UNDP and other organizations. KISS has also earned Platinum Status for its Financial Transparency. Globally recognized for his contribution to the upliftment of indigenous communities through education and championing the cause of indigenous communities in the Indian national parliament, Prof. Samanta will convene the forum to bring together parliamentarians from all countries with indigenous population to create a global alliance.
KIIT University
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Patia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751024